Xuanchen Fan Chinese, b. 1995

In my artworks, I employ the concept of gazing as a symbolic element, drawing
inspiration from the mastery of great artists such as Da Vinci and Manet. My work
addresses both male and female gaze, exploring the ways in which women are judged by others for their appearance, including their outfits and body shape. To counteract this scrutiny, I incorporate large eyes in my paintings, creating a discomforting effect for those who judge and sending a message: "If you gaze at me, I will gaze back.”


My style is also influenced by rubber hose animation, a technique that originated in
Disney productions during the 1920s. This approach imbues characters with a flexibility akin to rubber, allowing me to experiment more freely. I embrace this nostalgic style because humans tend to seek familiarity in new experiences. Thus, while Miss Boo is a fresh character, she evokes a sense of long-standing familiarity.

Drawing from an array of styles and backgrounds, I utilize the concept of gazing to
delve into various societal issues. Beyond its more traditional applications, the gaze can serve as a means of self-reflection. When viewers encounter my paintings and grasp the underlying meanings, they engage in a visual dialogue with the artwork itself. This interaction fosters an immersive empathy experience, bridging the gap between audience and subject through the power of the gaze.


Beyond gazing, the themes of my artworks are intertwined with world peace and
feminism. There is a profound connection between world peace and feminism.
Feminism is about empowering individuals, which harmoniously aligns with the principle of equality inherent in the concept of world peace. My artworks serve as a voice for vulnerable groups, and through them, I aim to spread love. In the contemporary art world, I believe it is vital for artists to possess a strong social conscience. Art has the power to unite humanity and contribute to a better, more harmonious world. Through my creative endeavors, I strive to draw attention to vulnerable populations, using my work as a catalyst for positive change.