CAMP Artist Franck de las Mercedes revives his "Fellow Artist" series

And guess who's up first?

CAMP artist Franck de las Mercedes began his Fellow Artist interview series in 2017 with the hope of sparking conversations with peers and new friends in the art world. “I did it for a year, not in hopes to become an art critic or journalist, but to welcome the opportunity to realize that wish that still visited in the work of peers and artists I crossed paths with.”


It comes as no surprise, then, that an artist known to be naturally inquisitive and easygoing, found a fresh face to chat with as he revives the interview project on his blog. On the heels of his dual exhibitions, An Autumnal Ode to Seasons PastA New Materialist Myth for His Being: No god, No Quetzalcoatl, at The CAMP Gallery Westport this winter, Fellow Artist makes a comeback, featuring our very own Amy Clarke. 


We extend our congratulations to two of our own!

February 4, 2022