Lysistrata, may not be inherently feminist, but has been adapted and reinterpreted in modern contexts to reflect women's struggles for equality, including notable productions supporting the suffragist movements in London (1910) and the U.S. (1914). In this exhibition, the artists reflect their interpretation, emphasizing how unity among women has historically been a force for change. The fiber works on display create a tactile response to the themes of oppression, empowerment, and collective action. Through the use of textiles—a medium historically associated with domestic labor and "women’s work"—the exhibition challenges traditional gender roles and elevates these materials as powerful tools for political expression. The artworks show the strength of women, much like Lysistrata has evolved to serve different feminist purposes across time.
The sixth edition of Women Pulling at The Threads of Social Discourse: We Got the Power tells about women fighting for social change
The exhibition showcase 81 fiberworks by women artists exploring the theme of unity and social change
Asia Artom, Kooness, October 22, 2024