Silvia Trappa’s set of work over the past year has explored these physical and mental boundaries that our thoughts allow us to inflict upon ourselves, doubling the layer of quarantine that our society was forced to undergo in the name of preservation. The exploration of a mind in its most naive and critical state, in that of a child, to the parasitic fungus-like effect our short exposure on this earth has had on the planet, Trappa uses the spectrum of time within the human experience to convey the introspections into our societal and personal demeanor. The flow of works tells a story woven through the harsh reality of an experience that in the need of safety was thrown upon each one of us, where not everyone emerged unscathed, physically and emotionally.
There is peace to be achieved amongst the state of humanity in the physical realm and in the mental realm as well. Silvia Trappa’s piece aims to communicate that this peace can in fact be achieved, by forcing an acknowledgment that we have strayed from the path. It is not an ideological preaching, nor a wantful desire, it is a balance amongst all things that needs to be reached. A balance in mental fortitude, of needs and wants, and of what we can give back to nature, our society, and ourselves.
Trapped in Solitude: A Silvia Trappa Online Solo Exhibition
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