SPRING/BREAK Art Show 2023

We'll be at SPRING/BREAK this year at booth 1058
The CAMP Gallery is proud to announce our 4th-consecutive appearance at SPRING/BREAK Art Show this year. For this year's theme: Wild Card, we'll be presenting an exhibition of new artists and artworks alike, with a greater emphasis on sculpture. We'll be on the 10th floor at Booth 1058, through the entirety of the show lasting from September 6th - 11th, at 625 Madison Ave in New York.
Purchase tickets for the art show through SPRING/BREAK's Eventbrite:
Our booth will feature artists Caitlin McCormack, Chiara No, Clara Fialho, Jac Lahav, Julie Peppito, Kathryn Knudsen, Pablo Power, Rita Valley, RJ Calabrese, and Stefano Ogliari Badessi, along with new additions to the CAMP roster: Mary Tooley Parker, Melissa Webb, Michella Martello & Yamilla Diaz Rahi.
As a sneak peek into our booth curation, titled Freaks of Nature, here is a small excerpt from the statement:
"Our first entrance to SPRING/BREAK brought us to the theme of In Excess, and for this year’s Wild Card, we want to toy with the overwhelming imbalance between gendered gazes - there is an overwhelming abundance of discord.  Considering that both the male and female gaze encounter varied criticisms, we will argue that in the contemporary artist, the gaze of gender has been replaced by the gaze of imagination. Historically throughout the canon of art, we have encountered men creating idealized representations of the feminine based on desire, morality and class. Representation of objects have been laden with either male qualities to enhance the male notion of self, or objects are affixed with feminine qualities that make them soft and reinforce the female as passive - and enforces the male as aggressive. The female gaze has also presented ideas and notions based on a much more accommodating and accepting ideal, but still some have been left out of that gaze..."
August 15, 2023